
Coneflower is a tall, daisylike flowering plant featuring colorful many-petaled blossoms with a tiny, conelike protrustion in its central disk. Its primary use is in the treatment of infection and immune deficiency.


Coneflower features longstemed flowers with petals reminiscent of the daisy. Often, petals are turned towards the sun, and in conjunction with the raised, domelike central disk, creates an overall 'cone' appearance.


Any area of open grass is suitable for Coneflower, and its habitat is widespread. It can be found easily on the open plain, but can also sometimes be found in forest glades and meadows.

Other Names

None known.


Coneflower is a multifunctional plant. One root, taken internally, will improve overall immune system health. One plant, chewed and applied to a small to moderate wound can prevent infection or treat existing infection. Layers of chewed plant matter may be applied to form a sort of temporary bandage.

Side Effects

May sting during application - pain quickly dissipates. Ingestion of roots may cause a mild allergic reaction, ranging from nausea and abdominal pain to anaphylaxis. However, any effects should pass quickly. Nevertheless, it is ill-advised to ingest Coneflower root without the supervision of a trained healer.

Physical Effects

None known.

Other Information

Coneflower should not be given to unicorns with stiff or damaged joints, or to unicorns who are in overall poor health.