Wet Mint

Wet Mint is a tall, slender flowering plant with boxy stems, characterized by its cold, sharp scent. Wet Mint is frequently used to treat stomach discomfort as well as easing the symptoms of colic.


There are several species of Wet Mint, varying in size and characteristics. Wet Mint can be distinguished by its small clusters of violet flowers and a sharp, fresh scent giving the impression of 'cold.' Stems are square and may be green or purple in color. Depending upon species, Wet Mint plants may be hairy, or hairless.


Though Wet Mint prefers marshy ground and still water, it can be found in many damp areas, including along the banks of moving water.

Other Names

None known.


Wet Mint has been used to treat a variety of stomach discomfort, including nausea, indigestion, burning stomach and gas. It has also shown effectiveness as a treatment for colic.

Side Effects

Some discomfort has been reported shortly after ingestion, but a cooling feeling should follow, and digestive discomfort generally eases shortly thereafter. If discomfort persists, a healer should be sought quickly.

Physical Effects

None known.

Other Information

Wet Mint is not potent enough to cure colic on its own, but is an excellent additive to other, stronger treatments. It may be dried and stored. The scent of dried Wet Mint is quite pleasant and is sometimes used to freshen grottoes and other shelters.